Programmers' Reference



The Molecular word length is 17 bits. By convention, the bits are numbered B17:B1 from left to right and grouped into one pair (B17:B16) and five triples for representation in six octal digits, for example:

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0

The above bit-pattern is written as 123456 in octal. All bits set is written as 377777 in octal.

In two's complement binary arithmetic, B17 is the Sign Bit. For numbers allocated more than one word, B17 in each low order word is never used. So a double word number has one sign bit followed by 32 binary digits (thus a double word -1 is stored as 377777 177777 in octal).

A word may hold two eight-bit Bytes: B16:B9 is called the Top Byte (octal Mask 177400) and B8:B1 is called the Bottom Byte (octal Mask 000377). B17 is spare.


Each 17-bit memory word has a unique Memory Address of 16 bits (octal range 000000 to 177777), allowing  64K words to be addressed. A word is the smallest (and the largest) memory unit the instruction set can operate on (disc drives and line printers can transfer larger blocks independently via a data channel).

Because Memory Reference Instructions are limited to the ten low order address bits (B10:B1), each 1K (210) boundary is very significant in programming and it is often useful to give each 1K memory block its own Page Number (in Octal of course, from 00 to 77). Thus the Memory Address 013004 may also be written as 05/1004 to indicate it is Word 1004 of Page 05. Indeed, this is the conventional way of indicating the presence of an address.

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0




Memory Reference instructions can directly access memory only within the Current Page (i.e. the page within which the instruction itself is stored) or within the lowest Page (i.e. Page 00, often called Zero Page, comprising Words 00/0000 to 00/1777). But such a word may contain the 16-bit address of any word in memory and the Memory Reference instruction can indirectly access that word through the "pointer". If the pointer's B17 is set, then the target word is itself a pointer and so on indefinitely. It's left to the programmer to ensure that such a chain does not form a closed loop.

Registers and Flags

There are two General Purpose 17-bit registers available to programmers, known as the A-Register and the B-Register.

The Carry Flag (the C-Flag) is a single bit accessible to programmers. It indicates a carry (or borrow) between B16 and B17 in Memory Reference addition (or subtraction) instructions and may participate in Register SHIFT and ROTATE instructions.

The Greater Than Flag (the GT-Flag) is a single bit accessible to programmers. The Memory Reference instructions CMPA and CMPB set (or clear) the GT-Flag according as the register (excluding B17) is (or is not) greater than the operand.

The Switch Register (the SW-Register) is a row of 17 switches mounted on the Control Panel. Programs may read the SW-Register via the ESWRA and ESWRB instructions. The SW-Register may be set manually regardless of the position of the Control Panel's keyswitch.

The Program Counter (the PC-Register) holds the 16-bit Memory Address of the next instruction to be fetched for execution.

The Memory Address Register (the MA-Register) holds the 16-bit Memory Address of the Memory Word being read or written.

The Instruction Register (IR) holds the 17-bit Instruction under execution.

Instruction steps

The Processor executes an instruction in the following steps:

  1. MA is loaded from PC.
  2. PC is incremented by one (all instructions are exactly one word long).
  3. IR is loaded from the memory word addressed by MA.
  4. If IR holds a Memory Reference instruction, MA is loaded with the operand's address (working to the end of any indirect pointer chain as necessary).
  5. If IR holds a JSBR instruction, PC is stored at the memory word addressed by MA.
  6. If IR holds a JSBR instruction, or a JUMP instruction, PC is loaded from MA.
  7. If IR holds a JSBR instruction, or a SKIP type instruction in which the SKIP condition is fulfilled, PC is incremented by one a second time.

The Processor takes an interrupt by executing it as an instruction from step 4 above, after loading IR directly with the instruction JSBR Z 0002 (032002).

There is no stack. Subroutine calls are implemented by the JSBR instruction as described above. Returns from subroutines (and interrupts) are accomplished via an indirect JUMP to the Return Address stored (at step 5 above) at the head of the subroutine.

At MAINS ON, MA and PC are loaded with the value 000002 and interrupts are disabled. Instruction execution will begin automatically if the control panel keyswitch is at NORMAL.

Privileged Instructions

These instructions (NOOP excepted) should be used only by the Operating System.

000000 NOOP No operation
000001 HALT (requires manual resumption from Control Panel)
000002 MASK Never used
000003 Acknowledge Interrupt Loads B-Register with highest priority interrupting Device Code
000004 Interrupt ON Enables interrupts
000005 Interrupt OFF Disables interrupts
000006 Skip if Interrupt ON Tests interrupt state
000007 Skip if Interrupt OFF Tests interrupt state
000010 Skip if MAINS OFF Tests and clears Mains Off interrupt
000011 Skip if MAINS ON Tests and clears Mains On interrupt
000012 Skip if PARITY Tests and clears Parity interrupt
000013 Skip if PROTECTION Never used
000014 Skip if BOUNDARY Never used
000015 Skip if MA=SW Tests and clears MA=SW interrupt
000016 Skip if CONTINUOUS INTERRUPT Tests and clear Continuous Interrupt
000017 Input/Output RESET (allow 1 second for devices to react)

Register Instructions

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1=A
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1=A
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1=A

Micro-Programming Rules

Instructions on the same row in the above table may be combined in a single instruction, subject to the following:

For example:
005006 combines CLSA and COMPSA in that order to set the sign (B17) of the A-Register.
007502 combines AN0 and CLA to test for zero in, then clear, the A-Register.

A-Register B-Register
003001 ALSB 002001 BLSB Skip if B1=0
003002 AMSB 002002 BMSB Skip if B16=0
007600 ANEG 006600 BNEG Skip if B17=1
007500 AN0 006500 BN0 Skip if not zero
007200 APOS 006200 BPOS Skip if B17=0
007100 A0 006100 B0 Skip if zero
007002 CLA 006002 CLB Clear
002400 CLC     Clear CARRY Flag
006004 CLGT     Clear GREATER THAN Flag
005004 CLSA 004004 CLSB Clear B17 (Sign bit)
007001 COMPA 006001 COMPB Ones-Complement
004040 COMPC     Complement CARRY Flag
005002 COMPSA 004002 COMPSB Complement B17 (Sign bit)
003010 DECA 002010 DECB Decrement by one
005001 ESWRA 004001 ESWRB Enter Switch Register (read Switches into)
003004 INCA 002004 INCB Increment by one
003240 LRA 002240 LRB Rotate Left by one (excluding B17)
003260 LRAC 002260 LRBC Rotate Left by one including CARRY (excluding B17)
001600+n LRAn 000600+n LRBn Rotate Left by n (excluding B17)
003300 LSA 002300 LSB Left Shift by one (excluding B17)
001700+n LSAn 000700+n LSBn Left Shift by n (excluding B17)
003040 RRA 002040 RRB Rotate Right by one (excluding B17)
003060 RRAC 002060 RRBC Rotate Right by one including CARRY (excluding B17)
001400+n RRAn 000400+n RRBn Rotate Right by n (excluding B17)
003100 RSA 002100 RSB Right Shift by one (excluding B17)
001500+n RSAn 000500+n RSBn Right Shift by n (excluding B17)
001520+n RSAAn 000520+n RSABn Right Shift by n Arithmetic
001001 SETGT     Set GREATER THAN Flag
005006 SETSA 004006 SETSB Set B17 (Sign bit)
006440 SKC     Skip if CARRY Flag=1
006410 SKGT     Skip if GREATER THAN Flag=1
004020 SKIP     Skip unconditionally
006040 SKNC     Skip if CARRY Flag=0
006010 SKNGT     Skip if GREATER THAN Flag=0
005010 SWAPA 004010 SWAPB Swap Bytes

The maximum value of n is 15 (decimal).

Execution time 1.4 microseconds, except SETGT (1.2 µs) and multiple shifts/rotates (1.6 µs if n<=1; 3.2 µs if n<=6; 4.8 µs if n<=11; 6.4 µs otherwise).

Input/ Output Instructions

I/O instructions should only be executed by the Operating System or system software.

I/O devices may have up to three 17-bit Device Registers, accessible to the programmer, implemented by their hardware interface. By convention, Device Register 3 is the Status Register.

All I/O devices also have a BUSY flag and a DONE flag. Software starts a device by setting its BUSY flag (after loading relevant device registers); the device signals an INTERRUPT REQUEST whilst its DONE flag is set (unless disabled by the Current Mask).

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0 1 1=A-Reg
SKIP Condition


1 DATI1 Read Device Register 1
2 DATI2 Read Device Register 2
3 DATI3 Read Device Register 3
4 DATO1 Write Device Register 1
5 DATO2 Write Device Register 2
6 DATO3 Write Device Register 3
7 SKIP  

Function or Skip Condition

0 No Operation BUSY
2 STOP (Clear BUSY, Clear DONE) DONE
3 IOPLS (Input/Output Pulse) NOT DONE

Device Codes

In Out Standard assignment
20 60 Alpha-numeric Keyboard
50 40 Visual Display Unit
  30 Line Printer
  34 Serial Printer
66 67 IBM I/O Writer
11 33 Paper Tape
70 70 Disc

Memory Reference Instructions

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0=Current Page
1=Zero Page



Operation Code Mnemonic   µ-sec
02 JUMP Jump unconditionally 1.2
03 JSBR Jump to Subroutine 1.2
04 INSZ Increment by one, Skip if result is zero 2.6
05 DESZ Decrement by one, Skip if result is zero 2.6
06 ANDA AND into A-Register 2.4
07 IORA Inclusive OR into A-Register 2.4
10 XORA Exclusive OR into A-Register 2.4
11 ADA Add to A-Register 2.4
12 ADB Add to B-Register 2.4
13 SFA Subtract from A-Register 2.4
14 SFB Subtract from B-Register 2.4
15 ADAC Add to A-Register with CARRY 2.4
16 ADBC Add to B-Register with CARRY 2.4
17 SFAC Subtract from A-Register with CARRY 2.4
20 SFBC Subtract from B-Register with CARRY 2.4
21 LDA Load into A-Register 2.4
22 LDB Load into B-Register 2.4
23 CMPA Compare with A-Register, Skip if B17:B1 unequal (see also GT-Flag) 2.4
24 CMPB Compare with B-Register, Skip if B17:B1 unequal (see also GT-Flag) 2.4
25 STA Store A-Register 2.4
26 STB Store B-Register 2.4

Each level of indirect addressing adds 1.2 µ-sec to the above instruction timings.


Standard Core Locations

0/0040 = Currently scheduled Task Number
0/0077 -> System Date
0/0072 -> Task MASTER Buffer (3200-)
0/0067 -> Task SPOOL Buffer (3400-)
0/0066 -> Task INPUT or INNER PRINT Buffer (3600-)
0/0073 -> File Table
0/0074 -> Task Control Area origin (3720-)
0/0057 = Maximum Plain Paper Print Queue Number
0/0060 = Maximum (Deletions) Print Queue Number
0/1300 = Password 1 (General applications)
0/1305 = Password 2 (Bought Ledger Package)
0/1312 = Password 3
0/1317 = Password 4
3714- = Printer Completion request word
B17=no cancel,
B16:B1=Task Number to be flashed at end

After GET:

0/0043 = A-Register contents
0/0044 -> next Input Field in buffer
0/0045 = Number of characters input
After FETCH:
0/0151 -> Record (1st word) within buffer
0/0152 = Logical Record Length (words)

Before SPOOL:

0/0070 -> next Spool Record Number


3577- = next Spool Record Number in chain
0/0201 B1
0/0202 B2
0/0204 B3
0/0210 B4
0/0220 B5
0/0240 B6
0/0302 B7
0/0316 B8
0/0323 B9
0/0332 B10
0/0341 B11
0/0344 B12
0/0347 B13
0/0352 B14
0/0355 B15
0/0356 B16
0/0377 B17
0/1752 000377 (bottom byte)
0/1753 177400 (top byte)
0/0375 000177
0/0320 000300
0/0325 000500
0/0326 000600
0/0376 377777
0/0374 020040 (ASCII "SP SP")

The Commandment

Thou shalt not patch.